The definition of paganism is any religion that stands outside the major religions that are widely known and practiced throughout the world. Paganism is also linked to nature worship and is generally considered to be kindred to witchcraft and the more occult practices that some religions cling to. However, the meaning of paganism is a wide-reaching term that encompasses a great deal of smaller and lesser known religions that do not conform to those that are so widespread among society, and also a different superstitions.
What is Paganism?
It is important to note that paganism was not a defined term until Christianity came along with the idea of a monotheistic belief. As Christianity began to dominate religious circles old religions began to either die off or be consumed by other, larger religions that had gained a notable following. There are many religions to date that exist only history books or half-believed legends and are deemed as pagan religions that worshiped false gods and idols. Nature worship, one of the largest factions that is considered to be a pagan belief, is considered to be misguided and quite skewed in their beliefs according to Christianity and several other religions that cling to the idea of a singular, supreme power that governs the world and everything in it. In fact the larger religions often allude to those that worship pagan religions as being flawed in their belief system, and are required to accept that Christian beliefs are those that must be followed if one is to find true peace. The idea of paganism is one that accepts all religions and beliefs and shares a great deal of similarity with Christianity. Despite this the common relationship between paganism and Christianity is often strained considering that while paganism is far more accepting of multiple religions, Christianity requires the belief in one singular religion.
Paganism is typically about the acceptance of many religions under the belief that there is a higher power that exists to govern the known world. Where it differs from larger and more well-defined religions such as Christianity is that it does not adhere to a singular belief. Paganism offers those that practice its many beliefs a chance to worship as they see fit, and does not impose any rules that do not fit with their chosen religion. In short, paganism is the label given to those that do not worship in the same manner that the majority of the population does. An example of ancient god is The Roman Goddes Fortuna